Pony Club depends on our volunteers. The best way to let your volunteers know how valued they are is to say, “Thank you.” USPC offers different options for volunteers to be acknowledged. Opportunities range from certificates and pins to national acknowledgement.  Clubs, centers, or regions can utilize these awards to give thanks to individuals who have made a significant contribution.  At the National level, recognition is given at the USPC Convention and Equine Symposium for outstanding service and dedication to the organization.

Volunteer Recognition Award

In 1993, this award was established by the United States Pony Clubs (USPC) Board of Governors. The USPC Volunteer Recognition Award is intended to be a special honor for the most dedicated Pony Club volunteers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. When club, center, or region representatives have identified someone they would like to honor with this award, they may complete the frameable Volunteer Recognition Award Certificate below, which is signed by the USPC president, to present to the volunteer. Following the award presentation, the club, center, or region representative should complete and send the Volunteer Recognition Award Report form below to the National Office so that the volunteer can be recognized in a post on the Pony Club Blog and/or on social media.

Volunteer Recognition Award Certificate

Volunteer Recognition Award Report Form

Local Legend Award

Established by the Board of Governors in May 2010, the USPC 20+ Year Local Legend Award is intended to honor those who have faithfully served their local club, center, and/or region for at least 20 years. Each recipient will be recognized in an upcoming post on the Pony Club Blog and/or on social media following receipt of the completed Local Legend Award Report form below. This form must be completed by a District Commissioner (DC), Joint District Commissioner (JtDC), Center Administrator (CA), Assistant Center Administrator (ACA), Regional Supervisor (RS), or a Vice Regional Supervisor (VRS), and be submitted with a $10 payment to USPC. Payment covers the cost of a Local Legend pin, plus shipping, which will be mailed with a certificate from the National Office.

Local Legend Award Report Form

Founders Award

Each year the Advisory Committee selects and presents to the USPC Board of Governors a nominee(s) to receive this prestigious award.  Nominees must be living and have volunteered for USPC for a period of 20 years or more with the majority of the service at the national level, such as a member of a Pony Club National Committee or on the Board of Governors. In addition, the person should also have made significant contributions at the local and/or regional level. Nomination are due July 1, and the award is presented at the Convention during the Saturday Night Banquet. View the past Founders Recipients.

Founders Award Nomination Form

USPC Legend Awards 

On special Pony Club milestones, “legends” of the organization are recognized.  These legends are individuals whose contributions to Pony Club were significant in the shaping of the organization. 

In 2004, as part of USPC’s 50th anniversary Jubilee celebration, over 150 individuals were recognized as USPC Legends for their roles in Pony Club through the first 50 years.  View the USPC legends.

In 2011, USPC celebrated the 10th anniversary of Festival, a much-anticipated event held every three years. (Festival combines the Pony Club National Championships with several days of Educational Workshops and Clinics featuring leading clinicians in the equestrian industry.) USPC Festival Legends were recognized for their contributions to the establishment and continuation of the Festival event over its 30 year history.  View the USPC Festival Legends.

Judy Thayer Memorial Coaching Award

Established in 2014 in memory of Judy Thayer by the USPC Show Jumping Committee.  2014 marked the first time in 30 years that Judy Thayer was not coaching riders from Eastern Pennsylvania and Delmarva Regions at Championships. Just a few days before heading to the event Judy passed away suddenly.  

This award is given to the Show Jumping coach who best demonstrates the attributes of Judy’s coaching style and is bestow annually at the USPC Championships. These ideals are the true measure of Judy Thayer’s character as demonstrated by her coaching, teaching, riding, and care of her horses. The coach will:

  1. Show respect for the rider and especially for the horse or pony during and after competition.
  2. Always encourage riders to focus on the positive in order to learn from each riding experience.
  3. Recognize the simplest methods in coaching often create the best communication between riders and their horses or ponies.

Winners of the award will receive a lifetime membership to EquestrianCoach.com generously donated by the website’s founder, Bernie Traurig a graduate of Meadow Brook Hounds Pony Club.

  • 2015 recipient was Kevin Bowie of Clarksburg, MD, who was coaching for the Capital Region.  Kevin is an "A" Graduate of the Seneca Valley Pony Club.
  • 2014 recipient was David “Skippy” Crawford of Elgin, IL, who was coaching for the North Central Prairie Region. Skippy is an Australia Pony Club graduate.

Dorothy Renfro Memorial Award for Excellence in Leadership

This one-time award given in 2014 recognized a current District Commissioner or Center Administrator who demonstrated commitment, encouragement, enthusiasm and inspiration to the members of their club or center. This person goes above and beyond the duties of a DC or CA by using those leadership abilities to recruit and retain members, and continually inspire and motivate them through the core values of Pony Club: Horsemanship, Teamwork, Respect, Service and Education.  

Given by Col. Richard Renfro in honor of the 15th year of the College Scholarship established in memory of his wife Dorothy Renfro, a devoted Pony Club volunteer who gave her time and energy tirelessly to help young people to grow and develop through their love of horses. She was widely known as a dedicated advocate for children, having served as Regional Supervisor of Old Dominion Region, Chairman of the USPC Summer Instruction Committee, a member of the USPC Board of Governors, and, at the time of her death, a member of the USPC Advisory committee.

The recipient of this very special award was Kimberly Umphress, DC of Hoof Print Pony Club in the South Region.

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