Trail tests horse and rider for their ability to handle working ranch type situations. In Trail competition, horse and rider negotiate obstacles and are judged on how well they complete each one. Trail courses are designed to showcase the horse's willingness, training, and obedience as well as the rider's horsemanship. The obstacles are inspired by what a working ranch horse may encounter, including gates, bridges, water, poles either raised or on the ground, a backing obstacle, and other tasks.
A Trail competition is usually comprised of multiple rounds that feature courses designed to challenge the mount and rider in many ways. Trail courses can consist of anywhere from 8 to 12 obstacles, and can include a gate, poles (either raised or on the ground), bridge, backing obstacle, water, cones, and a task, such as transferring an object from one location to another. The goal of the mount and rider is to negotiate the specified course without major disobediences or infractions. Each obstacle is designed to challenge a mount and rider’s precision, communication, training, and mental preparedness. In some rounds or competitive levels, there may be a timed portion or an option to plan the most efficient course to complete all the obstacles.
Trail in Pony Club uses similar obstacles and challenges that are seen in other shows. Members compete on a team of three to four riders with a Stable Manager and can compete in a variety of rounds including Classic Trail, Ranch Trail, In the Open, and Speed. The Classic trail and Ranch Trail rounds have a specific order of obstacles, each judged on a scale of zero to ten. Speed Rounds are given a time limit where each successful obstacle earns points, and bonus points may be rewarded for successfully completing more obstacles than required. The Open Rounds are just as the name implies and could take place in a pasture, on a cross-country course, or along an actual trail that can be up to two miles long.
Trail in Pony Club
Trail in Pony Club offers opportunities anywhere from the local level to the national level. Members who are eligible and meet the requirements of the current Trail rulebook at their regional rally may go on to compete at Championships.
Western Awards & Opportunities
Trail is a new competitive sport in Pony Club. Members can participate in Rallies and Championships in this fun competition.
Learn more about competitive awards and opportunities available now.
Opportunities, Grants & Awards
Opportunities abound for those wishing to pursue Western Riding during their Pony Club career! The core values members learn in Pony Club also prepare them for other positions in the equine industry.
Learn more.
Check out the USPC Blog, where we share knowledge for all things Western Dressage (and all manner of other Pony Club-related topics)!
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