The 2011 USPC Festival held at the Kentucky Horse Park was the 10th anniversary of this remarkable Pony Club event. It was first held at the park in 1983 when President Mary Lou Anderson had the brilliant idea of gathering the entire Pony Club family in one place for Championships and education.

In honor of the 10th anniversary milestone, many long-time volunteers came together to celebrate with a Festival Legends weekend reunion, chaired by former USPC President and past Festival Chair, Cindy Piper. Individuals were nominated as Festival Legends by their peers because of their dedication to Pony Club and their hard work in making past Festivals a huge success. These Festival Legends have gone above and beyond the required duties of a volunteer. They have made the Pony Club Festival very special over the past 30 years.

Dick Adams Aileen Gordon Amy Lewis Carol Read
Sue Adams Brad Gordon DVM Jim Ligon (d) Betsey Reeves
Tom Adams Helmut Graetz Nancy Lindamood Dorothy Renfro (d)
Marilyn Anderson Nancy Grout Debbie Lochner Jean Reynolds
Mary Lou Anderson (d) Linda Hagerman Shelley Mann Irv Richie
Bill Arrandale Kay Hales Karon Marcotte Laurie Ridge
Kathy Arrandale Nelson Hall Patsy Mattingley Robin Roach
Leanne Barnett Ann Haller Pat Maykuth Kathie Robertson
Ed Barnett, DVM Claire Harmon Georgiana McCabe Sue Rollins
Carlie Beisel Trip Harting (d) Bob McCune Shelley Ryan
Janet Blevins Peggy Hawley Janet McCune Leslie Scott
Frank Bohdal Melanie Heacock Sue Ann McDonell Beth Selvig
Lois Bohdal Sybil Hebb Spencer McLean (d) Abby Shultis
Kevin Bowie Sue Heifner Susan McLean Betty Lou Skipper
Nancy Bowling George Helwig Pat Mendenhall Mickey Skipper
Tom Bowman Alicia Henderson Jennifer Merrick-Brooks Willie Stettinius
Carol Brooks Bunny Hendricks Gina Miles Pam Stocksdale
Trish Buckwalter Virginia Heyward Lynn Miles Ray Stronsky
Sue Beth Bunn Catherine Holden Marion Miller Candy Tavormina
Darryll Ann Buschling Frank Horn Marcy Mongon Karen Taylor
Larry Byers Jackie Horn Susan Moody Lyn Hill Taylor
Lynn Callahan Anita Hunter Jim Morse (d) Mary Ann Turner
Laura Cannon Giny Hunter Steve Murphy DVM Lori Underwood
Laurie Chapman-Bosco Ann Husted Jan Nestrud Marian Wahlgren
Judy Cherry Jerry Husted Averil Nicewarner Bill Weiss
Bev Chester Tampa Bay Ray Ingandella Carol Noggle Robin Weiss
Anna Clader Iroquois Hunt Maureen Pach Joe White
Tim Clader Tony Janairo Tammy Pardus Cathy Wieschhoff
Maisie Compton Connie Jehlik Emsie Parker Margie Williams
Darlene Connors Darlene Jenkins Rachel Pemstein (d) Deb Willson
John Connors (d) Van Johnson Mary Pierson Karol Wilson
Kimberly Cranford Anne Jones Tom Pierson Syd Wilson
David Crystal Joan Ketcham (d) Cindy Piper Karen Winn
Melissa Crystal Shelley Kincaid Tad Piper Gegi Winslett
Jan Czyzewski Eileen Kirby Laura Pitt Erin Woodall
Jack Daniels Betty Jo Kiser Eric Poling Woodford Hounds
Liz Doering Millie Kopperl Jim Read Bill Woods
Beth Dowd Art Kramer Jan Redick Brenda Yike
Peggy Entrekin Richard Lamb Joy Poling Marilyn Yike
Ivan Feiner Chuck Larkin Wayne Quarles Roger Yike
Cathy Frederickson Anne Leck Marsha Quinn Susan Zapletal
Peggy Garman Margo Leithead Mike Ragland  
Jan Goodmundson Anne G. Lenhert (d) Bodgie Read  


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