College Scholarships

The Dorothy Renfro Memorial Scholarship Fund Established to honor Dorothy’s love and devotion to Pony Club. This fund awards an annual scholarship for higher education to a current Pony Club member who demonstrates the qualities which Dorothy valued most: leadership, horse management, and volunteering time and energy to beneficial activities.

The Stanley R. and Martha C. Helbert College Scholarship Fund – An annual scholarship for higher education given to a current Pony Club member to encourage their academic pursuits in the area of Liberal Arts such as literature, music, theater, and visual arts.

The Bodgie Read Memorial College Scholarship Fund for Dressage and Eventing Riders – Established by the family of Bodgie Read to honor her love of Dressage and Eventing, and to encourage volunteerism to support these disciplines. This fund awards an annual scholarship to one current member to support higher education.

  • I would like to donate to College Scholarships.

International Exchanges and Special Opportunities

The International Exchange and Special Opportunity Fund - This fund was created to support the hosting of International Exchanges by USPC, and certain expenses related to Pony Club Special Opportunities. These international exchanges include, but are not limited to: Foxhunting, Inter-Pacific, Mounted Games, Quiz, and Tetrathlon.

  • I would like to donate to the International Exchange and Special Opportunity Fund.
  • I would like to donate to a SPECIFIC team participating in an International Exchange or Special Opportunity.

Member Opportunities

The Brookfield Conservation Award Fund – This Fund supports the Brookfield Conservation Award, which recognizes outstanding effort made in the area of land conservation, preservation, and stewardship.

The Margo Leithead Fund for Horse Management – This award, named in honor of Pony Club's 19th President, Margo Leithead, recognizes the Teams demonstrating excellence in Horse Management during competition in all disciplines during USPC Championships event(s). This award was first presented in 2014 during the Championships portion of Festival.

The Middle Tennessee Pony Club Fund - To provide support annually to the Quiz Championship competition of The United States Pony Clubs, Inc.

The Pony Jumper Team - To support the USPC team competing at the USEF Pony Jumper Finals.

National Youth Congress and Academy of Achievement – NYC recognizes H-B and up Pony Club members who have been nominated by their regions to participate in the National Youth Congress along with outstanding Pony Club Alumni for two full days devoted to meetings, workshops, lectures and networking for youth members and alumni.

  • I would like to donate to the National Youth Congress and Academy of Achievement.
  • I would like to donate to a member opportunity.

Leader/Instruction Opportunities

The Eleanor Brennan Fund – Established in 2008 by friends and family of Eleanor Brennan, it provides funding for Instructor Certification Program workshops hosted by USPC, as well as scholarships for Pony Club instructors and members who attend ICP workshops at other venues.

The Mattingley Leadership Training Fund - Provides funding for leadership training of Pony Club volunteers.

The Penrose NE Training Fund - Supports training for National Examiners.

The Reader Horse Management Education Fund – Provides financial support for Provisional Chief Horse Management Judges and educational opportunities for Chief Horse Management Judges.

  • I would like to donate to a leader/instructor opportunity.

Other Funding Opportunities

The USPC Disaster Relief Fund - The Disaster Relief Fund aids Pony Club families and horses in the aftermath of an accident or natural disaster such as fires, hurricanes, and floods.

The USPC Endowment Fund - This permanently established fund grows through life memberships, bequests, donations and other means as recommended by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board of Governors. The purpose of this fund is to provide program excellence in USPC operations.

  • I would like to donate to one of these special funding opportunities.
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