Rally Information



Please list the Rally Levels/Divisions offered and the number of Teams and Competitors in each. In addition, if this is a Qualifying Rally, please include the number competitors trying to qualify in the appropriate column.

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Rally Report














Were you statisfied with accomodations for horses?





Were the facilities suitable for all phases?





Were there enough





Were briefings held for






Were you satisfied with accommodations for officials?





Discipline Report




Horse Management Review

As the Technical Delegate/Steward, you are charged with the first level of reviewing the decisions in Horse Management. Under the rules of competition, the initial protest from the decision of the Chief Horse Management Judge is to the Technical Delegate/Steward. A protest can only be made by the team or individual competitor against whom an adverse decision is made. Therefore if a protest comes to you to reconsider the decision of the Chief Horse Management Judge and you do NOT sustain the decision of the judge, the protest is concluded. If you do sustain the Chief Horse Management Judge, then a protest can be placed before the Ground Jury.

It is essential that we find out your evaluation of the Horse Management program at this Rally. Please answer the following questions:











Final Remarks


CLICK Submit only ONCE. It may take a moment for the form to submit.

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