The intent of Pony Club discipline rules are to provide parameters and an equal playing field for all competitors.  In many cases, discipline rules follow national governing body rules, and only in rare occasions will USPC rules differ from the national governing body.

Numerous committees and individuals review and evaluate proposed rule changes.  Because of this extensive process, the timeline for changing a rule is at minimum 12 months from suggestion to implementation.  Reviewed annually, corrections to grammatical/typographical errors do not require a proposed rule change and can be submitted here

When making your proposal remember that a well-researched and carefully prepared proposal (with objective and specific examples) will have a better chance of being approved and will have a more meaningful impact on the fairness of competition.

A member of the discipline committee may contact you regarding your proposal. Please note that while all proposals will be reviewed, not all proposal will be put forward to the Activities Council or other national committees for discussion. 

Please note: Rules may not be added, modified or deleted that change stated USEF, USPC, or Code of Conduct policies or permit illegal activities.

How to write a proposed rule or rule change:

  1. State what the problem is. How would adding, deleting or changing a rule solve this problem?
  2. Determine the scope of the problem. Is this a local, region or national problem? Just certain rallies? Just Championships?
  3. Develop as many possible solutions as you can. Ask others for their input.
  4. Choose one possible solution that appears to be the most appropriate and that fits the stated mission and goals of USPC. The solution to the problem may be something that can be accomplished without a rule change. A rule change is not always the best solution.










Example: Dressage, Article 57, Team Scoring.

Please list below the wording as you wish it to appear in the rulebook.

Include the specific problem this is solving and scope, if possible.

Thank you for your feedback and support of the organization.

CLICK Submit only ONCE. It may take a moment for the form to submit.

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