The mission of Horse Management is to encourage safe environments; promote individual knowledge; teach the principles of safe, sensible and responsible horse care; and enable regional and local leaders to assess their HM instructional programs. Maintaining the integrity of the rules that govern Horse Management at rallies is an important part of this mission.
When making your proposal remember that a well-researched and carefully prepared proposal (with objective & specific examples) will have a better chance of being approved and will have a more meaningful impact on the fairness of competition and the welfare of the horse.
Please note: Rules may not be added, modified or deleted that change stated USEF, USPC, or Code of Conduct policies or permit illegal activities. A member of the Horse Management Committee may contact you regarding your proposal and you may be asked to consider certain amendments. The Horse Management has the authority to amend or decline any proposed rule change.
First Name * First Name is required.
Last Name * Last Name is required.
Are you a *
Club/Center Name, or if you are a National Member then please enter in "National Member" * Club/Center Name is required.
Region Name * Alaska Big Sky Camino Real Capital Carolina Central New England Deep South Delmarva Eastern Pennsylvania Great Lakes Hawaii Heartland Inland Empire Intermountain Lake Shore Maryland Metropolitan Middle California Midsouth Midwest New Jersey New York/Upper Connecticut North Central Prairie Northeast Northern Lakes Northwest Old Dominion Oregon Red River Rio Grande Rocky Mountain Sierra Pacific South Southeastern New England Southern California Southwest Sunshine Tri State Virginia Western New England Western New York White Mountain Region Name is required.
Email Address * Email Address is required.
Phone * Phone is required.
Please select one * New rule/wording Delete existing rule/wording Change existing rule/wording Answer is required.
If current rule, what is the Rule Number and Title, or if new rule, where would you place it? * Example: 10b.2 Tying Mounts Answer is required.
Proposed Wording * Please list below the wording as you wish it to appear in the handbook. Answer is required.
Reason this rule wording should be added, modified or deleted * Include the specific problem this is solving and scope, if possible. Answer is required.
Any other comments regarding this proposal?
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