Vaulting as an activity gives riders the opportunity to improve their confidence, suppleness, balance and rhythm. Learning how to vault off from any position, as well as good landings, decreases chances of injury from a fall. Vaulting is a recognized discipline in Pony Club, but is noncompetitive.
Competitive vaulters are judged on a series of compulsory exercises as well as their freestyle routine. Both are performed to music to show how athletics and grace combine to create the sport of vaulting.
During individual competition, the compulsories are performed in sequence with no dismount in between. During team competition, each team member performs the first four compulsories (Mount, Basic Seat, Flag, Mill), followed by a dismount in the same four-count rhythm as the Mill. After all team members have completed the first four compulsories, the sequence is repeated with each member performing the last three compulsories (Scissors, Stand, and Flank).
It is possible to separate the compulsories into static and dynamic exercises (although no position held on a cantering horse can truly be said to be "static"): Basic Seat, Flag and Stand are "static exercises" which are held for four canter strides, while the four other compulsories are much more dynamic.
In all of the compulsories, as in all of vaulting, moving in harmony with and consideration for the horse is essential.
Vaulting in Pony Club
Vaulting is considered a noncompetitive discipline in Pony Club but many clubs offer it in additional to their main program. Vaulting produces balanced, supple riders who have a great feel for the horse’s rhythm and tempo. Many mounted games riders take vaulting lessons to improve their games skills.
Vaulting Awards & Opportunities
Vaulting is a resource discipline in Pony Club. Members can participate in meetings to learn more about this sport and its benefits. To learn more about Awards offered through other disciplines during Championships competitions, Click Here.
Opportunities, Grants & Awards
Opportunities abound for those wishing to pursue Vaulting during their Pony Club career! The core values members learn in Pony Club also prepare them for other positions in the equine industry.
Learn more.
Check out the USPC Blog, where we share knowledge for all things Vaulting (and all manner of other Pony Club-related topics)!
Read the blog.