In addition to the discipline-specific opportunities listed below, USPC also offers opportunities and contests that are open to those interested in any discipline. Learn more!

North American Quiz Challenge

Select individuals from the USPC Championships are invited to attend the Canadian National Quiz Competition. Individuals are selected based on their final placings at the USPC Championships. 

International Exchange

Quiz is one of the disciplines in which there is the opportunity for Pony Club to put together a team of members for a cultural exchange and competition.  

Visit the International Exchanges page.

USHJA Showmanship Quiz Challenge

Are you a Quiz enthusiast? Are you a member of both USPC and USHJA?  You may have an opportunity to represent USPC at the USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Finals (HQC) held in November each year. HQC participants who are also USPC members may declare participation with either their respective zone team or the Pony Club team once they become eligible for HQC Finals. The finals will have 12 zone teams comprised of three finalists, one Pony Club team comprised of three finalists, and an additional 10 individual finalists who are not already on a team. All HQC participants must complete both the Level One and Two guizzes by September 1, of the year in which they would like to compete..

Visit the HQC webpage to learn more and register for the new season or contact Carrie Vaught at (859) 225-6703.

Pony Club Members, Parents, VolunteersSign In to learn more!
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