In addition to the discipline specific awards listed below, USPC also offers recognition that is open to those interested in any discipline.  Learn more!

The American Polocrosse Award for Exemplary Sportsmanship

This award will be given annually to the USPC polocrosse competitor (including horse managers), whose actions and behavior best exemplify excellent sportsmanship during the annual USPC Championship competition. APA will award the recipient with an APA pin and a one-year's paid membership to the APA.

Criteria: The player must exhibit good sportsmanship through behavior both on and off the field. They exhibit cooperation over competition by assisting teammates as well as opposing team members as the need arises. The player treats all competitors, umpires, Horse Management judges, and officials with courtesy at all times, and provides exemplary care for his/her horse during and after competition.

Nominations for this award will come from competitors, umpires, horse management officials, organizers, and other polocrosse officials. The recipient will be selected by a committee made up of the Chief Umpire, the Chief Horse Management Judge, and the Technical Delegate. The award will be presented at the Championship awards ceremony by a representative of APA.

Cadillac Best Horse Award

In 2007, Andrew Deimer was chosen to represent the US on an under 16 tour versus the New South Wales (Australia), and together he and Cadillac played Polocrosse on the mall in Washington DC over the 4th of July weekend. The pair was a powerful combination, helping their team give the Australians a tough time on the field. Tragically, after performing so valiantly on the field, Cadillac was later kicked in a paddock. While the initial surgery to repair the damage went well, the brave mare later succumb to complications due to surgery. In Cadillac's memory, the Diemers have sponsored the traditional Best Horse Award for all USPC Polocrosse Championships, by donating beautiful leather halters with brass plaques to the best horse in each division.

2008 was the inaugural year for the Cadillac award, and at USPC Championships East the awards were given to two deserving horses in the Novice and Intermediate horse division. The Best Horse award is classically given to the horse with the best moves, greatest fitness, and best manners - the all around best horse. This is an award for the "Best Horse" in each division (Advanced, Int. Horse, and Int. Pony) at Championships. The selection is made by the umpires.

Who is Cadillac? 
by Victoria Prince, Chief Umpire for USPC Polocrosse Champs, Graduate C-3, Hunterdon Hills PC, NJ Region

When I read the description for the Cadillac Memorial Award in the USPC Polocrosse Championships program, I felt tears well up in my eyes. I remember driving down to Lexington at 2 am in 2004 to catch the first chukkah of play at USPC Championships and seeing the great horse play her heart out all weekend. That year she accomplished a feat that no horse had yet achieved at USPC Polocrosse Championships, and no horse has achieved since, she locked out the competition. Over three days of intense play, no one, not one player, got a goal past that great red mare, Cadillac and her talented rider, Andrew Diemer. Cadillac spent her younger years as a top level polo pony, but the years of pressure had taken their toll, and while still in her prime she was cast off as a burned out polo pony. She found a loving home with the Diemer family in North Carolina, and with much patience, perseverance, and hard work they discovered one of the best Polocrosse horses in the sport. Cadillac was a chestnut, Argentinean Thoroughbred mare, and was a feisty, funky, athlete. Her rider, Andrew Diemer, flew through the ranks of Polocrosse on his talented horse.

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