Horse Management Icon

Horse Management teaches responsibility and independence, and encompasses all things in horse care: health, maintenance, nutrition, and handling. The ultimate goal of Horse Management is to create a safe, knowledgeable, well-rounded horse person. It has helped shape the core values of Pony Club.


At every Pony Club competition riders compete in both the riding portion of competition as well as Horse Management. Competitors are scored on their ability to care for their horses, including barn area setup, turnout for themselves and their horses, and their equipment. Teams consist of 3-4 members as well as a Stable Manager who is designated to help coordinate horse and stable setup and upkeep. Stable Managers are an integral part of the team because they help keep the team working together to offer the best care of their equipment and horses throughout the competition.

Horse Management in Pony Club

In Pony Club, Horse Management includes veterinary knowledge, nutritional needs of the horse, conditioning schedules, conformation and soundness issues, farm management needs, trailering, and land management. Members are also required to keep a Health and Maintenance Record Book for a horse they own or care for to complete the Horse Management portions of their certifications. 

Horse Management Awards & Opportunities

Pony Club offers the Margo Leithead Cornerstone Award for Excellence in Horse Management to members who demonstrate excellence in Horse Management during Championships.

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Opportunities, Grants & Awards

Opportunities abound for those wishing to pursue Horse Management during their Pony Club career!    The core values members learn in Pony Club also prepare them for other positions in the equine industry.

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Check out the USPC Blog, where we share knowledge for all things Horse Management (and all manner of other Pony Club-related topics)!

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