In addition to the discipline-specific opportunities listed below, USPC also offers opportunities and contests that are open to those interested in any discipline. Learn more!

International Exchanges

Foxhunting offers the opportunity for clubs and centers to put together a team of members for a cultural exchange and competition. 

Visit the International Exchanges page.

Live Oak Hounds Challenge

The Live Oak Hounds-USPC Foxhunting Challenge Award is made possible through the generous support of Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin Wood III, Joint Masters of the Live Oak Hounds in Monticello, Florida, and Past Presidents of the MFHA. The award is designed to encourage Pony Club members who do not regularly hunt to try the sport, to reward those members who do hunt on a regular basis, and act as mentors to the younger and less-experienced Pony Club members. Awards will go to six Pony Clubs/Centers who regularly take the greatest percentage (based on total number of members) of active Pony Club members hunting, based on the required number of hunts needed by each member (see below).

Participating Hunts are asked to waive the capping fees, and Pony Club members must provide their own horses. Signed releases of liability, which will be provided by the hunts, will be required by each Pony Club member, and parent or guardian.   A certificate will be available on the Pony Club website for Pony Club members participating to have signed by the Master (or Secretary) of the hunt each time they complete a hunt.

Eligibility for the Award:

  • For 1st time Foxhunters or members who have hunted less than 3 times in the previous season, you must hunt a total of 3 or more times in the current season.
  • For members who have hunted 3 or more times in the previous season or participated in the Live Oak Challenge last year, you must hunt a total of 6 or more times in the current season. For Pony Club members who are also regular hunting members, you must hunt 9 or more times in the current season.
  • All Pony Club members must have their Live Oak Hounds Certificate signed by the Master of the Hunt where they participate, or by the Hunt Secretary. You must also list the dates of your hunts.
  • Any active, participating club or center member is eligible, the participating member must have the club/center applying for the award listed as the club/center of record with the Pony Club National Office. 
  • All participating hunts must be an MFHA Member Hunt. A list of member hunts is available on the Masters of Foxhounds Association web site.
  • Permission to hunt and date availability must be obtained in advance by the club DC/CA by phoning the Secretary of the hunt. The Master(s) or Secretary should be consulted regarding such issues as pace, terrain, skill level required, group size, and height and types of jumps (if applicable). Please note: This is not a Pony Club sponsored activity and therefore Pony Club Accident/Medical Coverage does not apply.
  • The certificate must be signed by the Master (or Secretary) of the Hunt after each hunt to state that the Pony Club member has completed a day of hunting. This can include cubbing as well as the formal hunting season and for riding both 1st, 2nd and hilltopping fields.  An appropriately signed copy of the certificate must be sent to the USPC office to count toward the Live Oak Hounds Award.

The Award period will run April 10th the previous year to April 9th, and the Award winners will be announced by May 1st. Certificates should be emailed to, and must be received by end of day April 10th.  If mailing the certificates, they must be postmarked by April 10th and sent to Activities Department, USPC, 4041 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511.

DEADLINE: April 10 

A total of $10,000 will be awarded to the top 6 clubs/centers who qualify, based on the percentage of total members in the club/center.

It is strongly suggested that anyone who participates in this Awards Program purchase a copy of the book, "Riding to Hounds In America" by William P. Wadsworth MFH. It has suggestions for preparing your horse or pony for foxhunting, and proper dress and etiquette involved with the sport.

Download the Certificate.

For more information or questions, contact the Development Director or the Activities Director.

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