Supporting Memberships

Supporting Memberships

Pony Club is powered by a network of dedicated volunteers across all 41 Pony Club regions. From volunteers who oversee and organize local-level activities and events all the way up to the Board of Governors at the national level, these are the leaders who make Pony Club happen. Both Corporate Membership options indicate that you are a dedicated supporter of the United States Pony Clubs, and Corporate Membership is required to serve as a local or regional leader or to participate on various committees and the Board of Governors. Both Annual and Life Corporate Memberships offer voting privileges at the annual Meeting of the Corporation, either in person or by proxy, which gives them a say in the future of the United States Pony Clubs.

A teacher talking to a group of children outside

Corporate Membership is designed for Pony Club’s leaders, instructors, professionals, and others over the age of 18 who are actively involved in working with members at local Pony Clubs and Riding Centers or engaged with Pony Club events, national committees, and governance. This membership is an annual membership.

For lifelong Pony Club leaders, a Life Corporate Membership is also available as a one-time investment with the added benefit of supporting the Pony Club Endowment Fund, which helps Pony Club provide program excellence for future generations. The Life Corporate Membership never needs to be renewed and is ideal for longtime volunteers as well as former members who want to stay connected with Pony Club at a supporting level. With the included pin and certificate, you can proudly display your lifelong dedication to an organization whose mission you stand behind. In addition, a gift of a Life Corporate Membership is a great way to honor a special Pony Club volunteer or those members and leaders who have played an important role in a club, center, or region.

Annual Corporate Membership

Current Annual Dues: $60

As a Corporate Member, you will also receive a subscription to the print magazine, special notices and updates throughout the year, and access to an online directory. The Annual Corporate Membership may be purchased online on a yearly basis.

Become a Corporate Member

Life Corporate Membership

Current Lifetime Dues: $1,000
(discounted to $375 for current or alumni members between 18 and 25 years old)

Life Corporate Members receive all benefits of an Annual Corporate Membership, plus a Life Member pin and certificate.  All Life Corporate Membership dues go directly to the Pony Club Endowment Fund to support future generations of Pony Club members.

Become a Life Member